• Tilmelding af indlæg til NUNAMED sker ved indsendelse af et abstract (resumé) ved brug af den elektroniske tilmelding nedenfor på denne side.
    • Et abstract kan tilmeldes som foredrag i en temasession eller som poster i den offentlige postersession. Se invitationen til den offentlige postersession her.
    • Hvis dit oplæg tilhører en bestemt temasession, skal dette være aftalt med den ansvarlige for temasessionen og det skal indikeres i dit abstract, hvilken temasession dit oplæg tilhører.
    • Alle oplæg i en temasession skal indsendes enkeltvist som abstracts, hvis ikke aftalt anderledes med arrangørerne.
    • I 2022 er postersessionen en offentlig session. Derfor er det vigtigt, at du læse postervejledningen her.
    • Abstractet skal må maks. fylde 300 ord. Det skal være informativt og bør omfatte (a) formål, (b) materiale og metoder, (c) resultater og (d) konklusion (se eksemplet nedenfor). Husk at skrive alment forståeligt. Undgå forkortelser og referencer.
    • Indsend abstract i det sprog, du vil præsentere det i.
    • Posterformat max. 80 cm høj og 50 cm bred.

Eksempel på abstractformat:
Formål: I 2016 blev isbjørne observeret i Grønland. Formålet med dette studie var at dokumentere, at isbjørne eksisterer i Grønland.
Materiale og metoder: I 2017 blev der sat kameraer op i hele Grønland for at fotodokumentere isbjørne.
Resultater: I alt 100 billeder blev taget af isbjørne.
Konklusion: Isbjørne eksisterer i Grønland.

    • All abstracts for NUNAMED should be submitted electronically using the form below.
    • An abstract can be submitted as an oral presentation for a thematic session, or as a poster for the public poster session. Please see the invitation for the public poster session here.
    • If an abstract is intended to be presented in a specific thematic session, this needs to be discussed with the person responsible for the session, and session name must be indicated in your abstract.
    • All presentations in a thematic session must be submitted as individual abstracts, unless otherwise agreed with the organizers.
    • In 2022, the poster session is a public session. It is therefore important that you read the poster guide.
    • The abstract must not exceed 300 words and should be informative and include (a) aim, (b) material and methods, (c) results and (d) conclusion (see example below). Remember to make the text comprehensible and please avoid abbreviations and references.
    • Submit your abstract in the language that you want to present it in.
    • Poster format max. 80 cm high and 50 cm wide.

Example of abstract format:
Objective: In 2016, polar bears were observed in Greenland. The objective of this study was to document that polar bears exist in Greenland.
Material and methods: In 2017 cameras were placed all over Greenland to photo document polar bears.
Results: In total 100 pictures were taken of polar bears.
Conclusion: Polar bears exist in Greenland.