Poster NUNAMED 2019

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Movement in Health

(Grønlands Sygeplejerskeorganisation),
Lægekredsforening og Greenland Institute of Health Research har hermed
glæden af at indbyde til den 8. NUNA MED – en konference om medicin og
sundhed i Grønland.
Siden 1991 har der ca. hvert tredje år været afholdt NUNA MED konferencer
med 200-250 deltagere, fortrinsvis fra Grønland og Danmark. I 2003 blev
NUNA MED afholdt som en del af ICCH12 med deltagere fra hele det arktiske
område og fra de skandinaviske lande.
Formålet med NUNA MED er
• At præsentere aktuelle grønlandsmedicinske forskningsresultater.
• At sætte aktuelle grønlandsmedicinske forskningsspørgsmål til debat i et
tværfagligt forum i Grønland.
• At fremme samarbejdet om sundhedsfaglig forskning i Grønland mellem
faggrupper og sundhedsdistrikter.
Vi håber at tilslutningen til NUNA MED 2013 vil være lige så stor som ved
tidligere konferencer. Der er stadig behov for at styrke den sundhedsfaglige
forskning i og om Grønland for derved at skabe bedre sygdomsbehandling,
forebyggelse og sundhedsfremme.The Danish Greenlandic Society for Circumpolar Health, Peqqissaasut Kattuffiat (The Greenlandic Nurses Association), The Physicinas Assocciation of Greenland and Greenland Institute of Health Research has the pleasure to invite to the 9th NUNA MED – a conference on medicine and health in GReenland.

NUNAMED 2019 starts with a reception Friday October 4, 17:00 – 19:00, hosted by the Mayor of Nuuk Charlotte Ludvigsen at Nuuk Local Museum in the old Colony Harbour. Download invitation here. Specific program for the reception (in Danish) can be downloaded here.

The scientific progam can be downloaded here.

The abstract book can be downloaded here.

Registration takes place in Katuaq, Saturday October 5, 7.30 – 8.45 AM.

The conference starts with opening ceremony in Katuaq, Saturday October 5, 9.00 AM.

The Danish Greenlandic Society for Circumpolar Health (‘Grønlandmedicinsk Selskab’), Peqqissaasut Kattuffiat (‘Grønlands Sygeplejeorganisation’), The Physicians’ Association for Greenland (‘Grønlands Lægekredsforening’) and the Greenland Institute for Nursing and Health Research have the pleasure to invite you to the 10th NUNAMED – a Conference on Medicine and Health in Greenland, October 5th – 7th, 2019, in Nuuk.

Since 1991, the NUNAMED conferences have been arranged approximately every third year in Nuuk with 200-250 participants, mainly from Greenland and Denmark. In 2003 NUNAMED was organized as part of the ICCH12 congress with participants from the whole Arctic area and from the Scandinavian countries. Since 2003 the number of participants coming from other countries than Greenland and Denmark has increased. For an overview of the history of the NUNAMED conferences please see the history page (in Danish).

The aims of the NUNAMED conferences are:

  • To present current research results related to health in Greenland.
  • To debate current research questions related to health in Greenland across the health disciplines.
  • To improve collaboration on health research in Greenland between the health disciplines and between health districts.

We hope that the number of participants at NUNAMED 2019 will be as high or even higher than at earlier conferences. Health research in Greenland needs to be continuously strengthened in order to improve treatment, prevention and health promotion.

Prior to NUNAMED 2019, a PhD course for coming and current PhD students will be held from October 2nd – 4th, 2019. For further information, click on PhD course 2019.

For junior researchers living in Denmark a presentation competition will be held April 2019. The best presentation will be awarded with participation in NUNAMED 2019.

Abstract submission deadline is August 15, 2019.

NUNAMED takes place October 5nd – 7th, 2019, in Nuuk.

Kind regards

Grønlandsmedicinsk Selskab (Danish Greenlandic Society for Circumpolar Health)
Peqqissaasut Kattuffiat
Grønlands Lægekredsforening
Greenland Institute for Nursing and Health Research

Post adress: NunaMed,  Box 2031, 3900 Nuuk